Signing Git commits with SSH and Github

For a very long time, the only way to sign commits that would be compatibly with Github was by using GPG. Unfortunately, despite GPG being perhaps superior than SSH when it comes to signing, its use is still limited and SSH keys are much more widespread. In this post, I’ll show you how to sign your Git commits with SSH, view signatures in your terminal and configure Github with your key....

August 27, 2022 · 2 min · Quentin McGaw

Cross CPU docker images with Github Actions

We will design a continous integration (CI) using Github Actions to automatically build a simple Alpine based Docker image for every CPU architecture supported by Docker. The final image will only print the machine type for this experiment using uname -m. Make sure to check out the Conclusion which highlights more posts about Docker image cross compilation with programming languages such as Go. Prerequisites Have a Github account Have a Github repository Repository setup Have this minimal file structure in your repository:...

June 4, 2021 · 4 min · Quentin McGaw